Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Map of a Distorted Mind

Experiences, both good and bad, form us all into the people we become. Map of a Distorted Mind, begins with the emerging of the Phoenix—a rebirth. Departing from upstate New York and continuing on through Idaho to Oregon, this chronological collection of poetry invites its readers to escort the author, Joseph R. McNulty, on a transformational journey to chase a western dream. Prepare to travel a wandering path as each mile traveled leads to the measured discovery of the author’s emerging manhood. As you follow the author on his restorative journey, you will encounter the sometimes overwhelming and life-threatening obstacles that he encountered along the way. You will see how he overcame them and what he learned from them. This book is an emotional depiction of purpose and service as the author reveals the reason behind his rare survival and his new definition for the meaning of life.


(Officially available for purchase)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

A Random Thought

    As concerning our current tragedy; The BP Oil Crisis, which is said to be the largest oil spill in history. It seems that oil has been an ongoing motive for greed and war throughout the years. It is an unfortunate situation that has affected nature, wildlife, buisness, fishing, and even tourism. And who the hell knows when we will ever get this cleaned up...will we?
    In my very short opinion I think that this is Karma! For all of the wars and violent outlashings that centered around oil, it's like "You want Oil? You've got it. A whole lot of it. Here you go, have it all in one lump sum."

    Doomsday is close, I can smell it.